Hello Friends
Author: Ken O'Neill
Format: Kindle eBook
Number Of Pages: 122
Publisher: Starry Night Publishing
Release Date: 23-01-2018
Details: Hello Friends.
This Book is a collection of Facebook Posted Short Stories, based on incidents occurring in my everyday life. I have chronicled these events and gently massaged them, with my style of “Artistic Embellishment,” and tried to make them enjoyable. Hell, if I didn't dress these stories up, everyone would call me a, “whiner.”
Apparently, my invention is working because I'm getting a larger audience, with these stories, than I could have ever dreamed. Over the years many readers of my prose have urged me to write a book and this is the result of that urging.
During the tenure of these posts some people have asked not to be identified. In response to these requests, I've made it a policy, to identify people, other than, my trusty Beagle, Kozy, or myself, by nick names or pseudonyms. You see, there are a lot of people, that don't want the notoriety a published document could bring.
Sometimes, the subject matter portrays people, in less than complimentary situations. I must respect their wishes of anonymity. Besides the incident is the subject and who did it, just doesn't matter.
There is only one purpose for these antidotes, your entertainment. I hope, when you read them, they raise your spirits and make you laugh; this will make your day a little brighter. Then, you can pass those good feelings and the reason for them on, to benefit others. The Good Lord Knows, we need more laughable Stuff, in the world today. Everything is just too damned serious.
Languages: English
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