The Receivership: A Pro-Teacher, Pro-Tenure Novel


Author: Leo August

Format: Kindle eBook

Number Of Pages: 180

Publisher: Starry Night Publishing

Release Date: 05-08-2019

Details: Rumson JR.-Sr. High is a school under the microscope of the State Education Department. Test scores are low, discipline reports are too numerous for the government's liking and the Governor is on a mission to overthrow the Teachers Union. Receivership, which could lead to a complete takeover by the education department, is underway. If things do not improve in the eyes of the government then teachers can lose their jobs and be replaced. The author of The Receivership is a retired 34 year veteran of the teaching profession. He does not claim to label everything that is wrong in today's public schools but he certainly knows one thing for sure. It's not the teachers fault! In this 'Fly on the Wall' story, true culprits such as the federal government, school administrators, Boards of Education, parents, and yes even the students themselves are revealed as a shared part of the problem. Teachers will be vindicated. And once the federal and state government 'get out of the way', and let the teachers do their thing, hope will be restored.

Languages: English

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