Theme and Variations: Tales of Love, Life, Passion, and Sex


Author: Robert Bettelheim

Format: Kindle eBook

Publisher: Starry Night Publishing

Release Date: 04-12-2019

Details: Theme and variations are controversial stories of passionate human, conflicts and struggles with the realities of society and life in Israel.THE STORIESASKELON; Losing her home and husband in a missile attack, Eva confronts a prostitute, a smuggled girl from Thailand and sex in an old age home.ENCOUNTER; A mistaken address leads Doron to a marital adventure.ADVERSARIES; A fight to the death between Alena and a horny tenant.ABDUCTION; Kineret is abducted by Ex-Terestrials to play for them.DERELICT; A demented sex slave girl; recued, finds love and is killed.DON JUAN; Preys on females and accidently kills his victim.SYMBIOSIS; An Ex-Terestrial entity helps Oded to sex and power.PASSENGERS; An Ethiopian girl and an elderly European lady meet on a bus and discuss life.TRIALOG; A fight between a married woman and a prostitute ends well.

Languages: English

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